Why I Love Comics: The Audio Edition
Eric Ratcliffe and friends discuss all things pop culture, from comics, to movies, to video games, to music and more each week.

Episode #26

We're back with our latest episode of the Why I Love Comics podcast! Every two weeks, Chuck Moore, Brant Fowler and Eric Ratcliffe grab a stack of comics and go over what's good, what's not so good and what should be avoided alltogether. Celebrating a mix of recent titles, Why I Love Comics is once again served up for your enjoyment!

Chuck, Brant and Eric's Comic Shops www.comics2games.com | www.tjcollect.com

Eric's Books of the Week JSA All-Stars #3 (DC) Strange #4 (Marvel) Seige #2 (Marvel)

Brant's Book of the Week Batgirl #7 (DC) Ultimate Spider-Man #7 (Marvel) Unwritten #10 (Vertigo)

Chuck's Books of the Week Batgirl #7 (DC) Siege: The Embedded #2 (Marvel) Sweet Tooth #6 (Vertigo)

We're pleased to announce that next week, we'll once again begin detailing all the books discussed in the order they are discussed here in the show notes.

Enhanced show notes... Returning with Episode #27!

Direct download: whyilovecomics26.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:21pm EST