Episode #51 has our hero joined by friend and web series creator/comic book retailer Richard Neal of the Variants. They talk about the shows production, what it's like shooting at a comic shop, how the new 52 has effected Richard's shop, celebrity guests, how to develop a web series and they even manage to just get into a long conversation talking about comics. All this and more in this episode of the Why I Love Comics podcast!
http://www.thevariants.com/ - Official website of the web series
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5K_xMNj7NEU - Trailer to the purple people eater (listen to the show to find out why I'm including it.)
http://twitter.com/#!/variants - Official twitter of the series
Shout outs to Joe Eisma (Morning glories super artist) and Ben Templesmith (Basically the real life Doctor and artist of many awesome things)
As usual follow me on twitter (http://twitter.com/#!/EricRatcliffe) like the show on facebook (www.facebook.com/whyilovecomics) and check out my awesome webcomic (www.newcomicday.net) and don't forget to subscribe/write a review on itunes!
Also check out the Kirby Krackle, official houseband of the podcast! (http://www.kirbykracklemusic.com/)
And stop by our new home, www.theouthousers.com
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-- posted at: 10:34am EST