Welcome to the latest edition of the Why I Love Comics podcast where Eric and Jeremy discuss Squirrel Girl, the recurring madness that happens when Deadpool meets up with the GLI and much, much more!
People on the show:
Eric Ratcliffe, the host who barely knows the topic at hand!
Jeremy Wiggins, the man not related to any Simpsons characters!
Topics discussed:
-The Revengers/Dark Avengers
-Squirrel Girl
-Eureka cancelled?!
-Liefeld art
-The awesomeness of Avengers Academy
-Tendency of books to have the -same voice if they are written by the same writer
-Eric's unhealthy love of Jason Aaron as a writer
-Scott Snyder!
-Jeff Parker
-Spider-Man Noir
-Bendis saying that the Ultimate Universe is not an alternate universe
-Mike Carey writing action material
-Miles the new Spidey!
-Lots of Vertigo
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Some big guests coming on very soon, so stay tuned!