Why I Love Comics: The Audio Edition
Eric Ratcliffe and friends discuss all things pop culture, from comics, to movies, to video games, to music and more each week.

iPhones Can Do What?

Where the heck is my towel? - Our heroes discuss Andre's time at Connecticon, our favorite gadgets in pop culture and much, much more!

In this episode:

Your host who knows what he's doing MOST of the time, Eric Ratcliffe!
Constant Juggernaut survivor, Jeremy Wiggins!
A man lost in time, Andre Beshta!

Topics discussed:

What kind of car would you own if you had the money (pop culture wise)
New Mutants
Secret Six #35
Many tech issues
Tyler Lima's awesome Lex Luthor battle armor
And just so much more!

Andre and our good friend Tyler Lima

Also as usual follow me on Twitter (http://twitter.com/#!/EricRatcliffe) like our Facebook fanpage (http://www.facebook.com/whyilovecomics) and subscribe on iTunes!

And check out New Comic Day, my awesome webcomic: www.newcomicday.net! <

Direct download: lovecomics042.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST