Why I Love Comics: The Audio Edition
Eric Ratcliffe and friends discuss all things pop culture, from comics, to movies, to video games, to music and more each week.

In this edition of the podcast we go to a convention...New York Comic Con to be exact. This is a favorite convention of mine every year and this is a packed supershow. On the episode I talk with Eddi Mcclintock (Pete on Warehouse 13) Peter David, Tim Seeley, Claudio Sanchez and Chondra Sanchez, Fred Van Lente, The Kirby Krackle, Jeremy Haun and David Hine, Keith R.A. Decandido

http://twitter.com/#!/EddieMcClintock - Eddie on twitter
https://twitter.com/#!/chonnye - Chonnye on twitter
http://twitter.com/#!/claudioPsanchez - Claudio on twitter

http://www.everythingevilink.com/ - Evil Ink comics!

http://www.peterdavid.net/ - Peter David's officially website

http://www.fredvanlente.com/ - Fred's official website
http://twitter.com/#!/fredvanlente - Fred's twitter!

http://sff.net/people/krad/ - Keith's website!

http://timseeleyart.blogspot.com/ - Tim's blog
http://coltnoble.deviantart.com/ - Tim's deviant art
http://twitter.com/#!/HackinTimSeeley - Tim on twitter

http://www.jeremyhaun.com/ - Jeremy's website
http://twitter.com/#!/jerhaun - Jeremy on twitter!

http://www.strangeembrace.com/ - Dave's only website on the internet pretty much and his best book :)

As usual follow me on twitter (http://twitter.com/#!/EricRatcliffe) like the show on facebook (www.facebook.com/whyilovecomics) and check out my awesome webcomic (www.newcomicday.net) and don't forget to subscribe/write a review on itunes!

Also check out the Kirby Krackle, official houseband of the podcast! (http://www.kirbykracklemusic.com/)

And stop by our new home, www.theouthousers.com

Next week....John Rogers of Leverage and Blue Beetle fame!

Direct download: lovecomics055.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:34pm EST